Dooley MurphyAboutResearchArt📧🐦@dooleymurphy🥽XR product designer at Laerdal Medical.

🎦Watch a 2023 talk I gave here.The event was Aalto University's Creative Technologies series, the theme was Rethinking Reality - Where Is XR Heading?, and my argument was that designers shouldn't get too hung up on tech――we've still much to learn about how XR moves us.

▶️Watch a 2019 video essay I made here.Back when my PhD research was just getting underway, I summarised a bunch of examples of narrational strategies in VR. The result is this video――VR Storytelling: A Tale of Two Strategies. I still more or less agree with my analysis!

📘️️Read my PhD thesis here.It's called Through the Screen Door: Virtual Reality Experiences.

The gist is, a sense of agency or acting in VR is cool and all, but theorists and practitioners alike might wanna pay more attention to patiency――the embodied feeling of being acted upon. Education: 🎓PhD Virtual Reality Experiences, 2022🏛️University of Copenhagen🎓MA Cognition and Communication, 2016🏛️University of Copenhagen🎓BA Media and Communications, 2012🏛️Goldsmiths, University of London